In recently surfaced footage, a police officer in Mansfield, Ohio is seen dragging a black teen after things escalated during a traffic stop. Officer Jordan Moore stopped the car driven by the teen's father but it's not immediately clear what prompted the stop. The video picks up when the father and son were on the ground surrounded by officers.
Then Moore is seen dragging the teen by his hoodie from one side of the pavement to another. All this, despite the teen being compliant and non-resistant. According to Mansfield Police Chief Keith Porch, Moore was in violation of department policy saying, "there was no immediate need or emergency for Officer Moore to take the action of dragging the arrestee." However, Moore's conduct only merited a slap on the wrist according to the Dept. Moore is suspended until Jan. 11 but will continue to receive pay. His return to the force is also contingent upon de-escalation training.