Brooklyn rapper Phresher, recently took to Instagram and revealed that he was robbed at gunpoint and almost kidnapped. The rapper posted a photo of his current state after the robbery, along with a photo of his family, and explained the situation.
Phresher said, "Last Friday, I put my family, friends, and team through a Real Scare. I was robbed at gunpoint ... gun butted and almost kidnapped. They took my car, money, jewelry, but they couldn’t take my spirit. I'M STILL HERE and for that I am grateful to be able to tell you this because things could have been different. 2020 has been a difficult year but we gotta keep pushing. EVERY DAY YOU WAKE UP IS A GIFT ... JUST OPEN IT!"
Well, Snow Billy, a former Tekashi69 affiliate took to Instagram live to share his thoughts about Phresher being robbed. He mentioned things like, "See me, I would have knocked his teeth out of his mouth." Followed by "I'm giving him frank of the day." Watch the video below.