As we all know, Covid-19 is still real. However, on Friday, New York's governor Andrew Cuomo approved the reopening of all New York school districts based on New York's low Covid rates.
"We are probably in the best situation in the country right now," the New York governor said in a conference call with reporters. "If anybody can open schools, we can open schools and that’s true for every region in the state."
He indicates that all schools must have their specific plans approved by the state Health and Education Departments prior to schools reopening and classes beginning. However, if a district school do not get approved, the school may not reopen.
As of now, the Deptartment of Education hasn't mandated Covid-19 testing for staff and students but its being said that prior to opening schools, each district is required to disclose how they will test students and staff for infections, how contact tracing will be conducted, and how remote classes will be structured to ensure an equal learning experience.
Governor Cuomo also added that if there happens to be a spike in the virus within New York City, his decision can be revoked.